Alexander van BergePhotographer

interior – exterior – food – travel – campaign

Alexander van Berge first developed his passion for photography as a teenager growing up in Amsterdam, spending much of his free time capturing friends, places, and moods with his first camera, a Leica. Fast-forward around thirty years, and his shots of some of the world’s most intriguing homes have been featured in magazines and advertising campaigns worldwide.

“Architecture on its own is always fascinating,” Alexander says. “But architects often focus on perfection when it comes to photography of their work. With interiors, you get the added dimension of the shapes of the rooms combined with the tastes and personalities of the people who live there – and that’s what makes my job so enjoyable.”

Above all, Alexander loves collaborating with homeowners, art editors, and corporate clients to create a result that everyone is happy with. “It’s about achieving a creative balance, producing photos that are visually striking while also conveying the client’s message,” he says.


Alexander van Berge – photographer, planning shoots
Ellen Calis – financial, office, digital imaging, locationhost
Jules van Berge – digital imaging, online marketing

and a pool of talented freelancers
assistent photographer – styling – foodstyling – digital imaging – camera – visagie – decor

Photography Arjaan Hamel

Photography by Arjaan Hamel